Best Ways to Beat bulimia


Understand your triggers

To develop awareness about your condition, you must learn your emotional triggers. Triggers that make you want to binge like there’s no tomorrow. When you are familiar with your triggers, you could try to avoid them, or at the very least figure out a way to tackle them differently.

Some common triggers that can make you want to binge and purge are stress induced by interpersonal relationships, negative perception toward your physical appearance, or other mental health issues such as anxiety, sadness, etc.

Written by Addie Watkins
11 months ago

Stick to your diet plan

Ideally, plan for 3-4 meals a day and 2 snacks. Disperse these throughout the day and set specific times for them so you know when you’re supposed to have the next meal and can distract yourself if you feel the desire to binge at any other time during the day. When you’re set with this routine, you’ll find it much easier to not eat unless it’s time for your next meal.

Written by Joyce Norman
2 years ago


The best way to treat bulimia, without a shadow of a doubt, is therapy. Therapeutic interventions such as interpersonal therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy seem to help significantly in recovering from bulimia. Preferably, look for a therapist who specializes in dealing with patients with eating disorders. 

Written by Ryan Allen
1 year ago


If you believe medication will help you deal with bulimia, speak to your doctor about it. The most common class of drugs prescribed for eating disorders is antidepressants, particularly SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). 

Written by Wanda Wade
2 weeks ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Beat Bulimia?

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