Best Ways to Sneak out of the house


Sneak out at Night When Everyone’s Asleep

The best time to sneak out of the house is when everyone is asleep because if they don’t find out, you won’t be scolded or questioned at all. Keep your shoes ready and hide them on the lawn or anywhere outside your house so you can tiptoe out of the house without wearing shoes. Say goodnight to everyone and go to sleep early. It is important to let everyone know that you went to sleep and lock your room so they think you locked it from the inside. Get out of the house when there is no one in the hallway or when everybody has gone to bed. Make sure you lock the front door when you leave the house because the security of your family is extremely important. Wear your shoes and go. Don’t lose your keys and return home when everyone’s fast asleep.

Written by Elaine Chambers
2 months ago

Basement Window

If the basement window is big enough and you can get out of the basement window, sneak out of the house from there. When everyone thinks that you are in your room or everyone is asleep, walk with your shoes in your hands into the basement. The basement door is usually open so going to the basement should not be too hard. The next step is escaping from the basement window. The basement window can be too high so you’ll have to move stuff to reach the window. 

Basement Window

Written by Antonio Harper
3 months ago

Have a Back-Up Plan

You make an excellent plan to get out of the house but at night you notice that someone locked the front door and you can’t get out now. Deal with these unexpected situations with a back-up plan. For example, if your room is upstairs, and you have a ladder in the garage, put it in front of the window in the evening when everyone is inside. Later, if the door is locked, you can escape from the window. Make sure that the ladder idea is safe, if the ladder is old or your window is too high you may fall and injure yourself. 

Have a Back-Up Plan

Written by Pamela Torres
2 months ago

Take Your Dog for a Walk

If you are grounded or your parents don’t allow you to stay out at night, say that your dog wants to go out for a walk at night. Play with the dog so they think the dog is hyper and wants to go out. Sneak out of the house at around 9 so you can stay out till 10 or 11. If you get questioned why you came home late, tell them that you lost track of time because you two had a lot of fun or the dog didn’t want to come back.

Take Your Dog for a Walk

Written by Janelle Hampton
2 years ago

Always Make Sure that You’ll Get Back In

It is easy to sneak out of the house without getting caught but it can be very difficult to get inside without getting caught. Even if you take the house keys with you or leave a window open, what if someone bolts the door or window from the inside. Make sure that you have a back-up plan for getting in the house.

Written by Glenda Meyer
8 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Sneak Out of the House?

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