Best Ways to Cook broccoli



Sautéing is one of the best and tastiest ways of eating broccoli. Take dry broccoli and add two to three tablespoons of oil. You can take any type of oil, but olive oil is preferred. Toss the broccoli florets and stems and add a pinch of salt. Spread the broccoli on a foil-lined baking sheet a single later. Roast for 20 to 25 minutes till it is crunchy and you can see a few brown spots. Eat immediately. You can have this with cold or warm salad and as pizza toppings.


Written by Alfredo Richardson
2 years ago


Adding the florets to the rapidly boiling salted water for a few minutes instantly changes the color and texture. The whitening and flushing method works wonders when you need to get that raw chew out. It also makes the color vibrant green and ensures that the cooking process stops. This works great for broccoli salad, meal planning, or making a side dish ahead of time.

Written by Shari Phillips
8 months ago


Heat oven to 425 ° F. Make sure broccoli is as dry as possible (you can skip the water rinse if your broccoli seems clean). Mix the broccoli flowers and stems with a few teaspoons of oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Spread the broccoli on a foil-lined baking sheet in a single layer. Grill for 20 to 25 minutes, until the broccoli is crisp and you can see deep caramelized brown spots. Serve immediately. → Uses for roasted broccoli: garnish, hot or cold salads, pizza topping (lightly broil so broccoli doesn't burn on pizza).

Written by Helene Jacobs
1 month ago

Steaming in the Microwave

Place the broccoli stems and florets in a microwave-safe dish and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of water on the top. Cover the microwave bowl and start the microwave on High for 3 to 4 minutes. Wait for a minute as the bowl can be hot. Remove the lid carefully and check if the broccoli is tender. Microwave for additional 30 secs if necessary. You can eat steamed broccoli with olive oil and seasoning, warm salads, frittatas and casseroles, and soups.

Steaming in the Microwave

Written by Nicholas Lewis
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Cook Broccoli?

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