Topics tagged vegetable

image for topic 'Cook potatoes'
Best Ways to

Cook potatoes

Last answer by Kim Jensen 2 months ago:
As a personal opinion, the very best way to cook potatoes is to double-cook them. These are best made with a bigger, ...
As a personal opinion, the very best way to cook potatoes is to double-cook them. These ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Cook sweet potatoes'
Best Ways to

Cook sweet potatoes

Last answer by Marvin King 3 weeks ago:
Preheat the oven on high heat, then cut your sweet potatoes into 2-inch pieces. Chopping them into bite-size pieces ...
Preheat the oven on high heat, then cut your sweet potatoes into 2-inch pieces. Chopping ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Cook broccoli'
Best Ways to

Cook broccoli

Last answer by Nicholas Lewis 7 days ago:
Place the broccoli stems and florets in a microwave-safe dish and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of water on the top. ...
Place the broccoli stems and florets in a microwave-safe dish and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Chop an onion'
Best Ways to

Chop an onion

Last answer by Dina Anderson 1 month ago:
If you own an electric chopper, cut and remove the outer skin of the onion and use the chopper. You might also ...
If you own an electric chopper, cut and remove the outer skin of the onion and use ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Peel garlic'
Best Ways to

Peel garlic

Last answer by Holly Ferguson 1 week ago:
Separate garlic cloves and lay them on the countertop or your chopping board. Lay the knife flat on the clove and ...
Separate garlic cloves and lay them on the countertop or your chopping board. Lay ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Preserve garlic'
Best Ways to

Preserve garlic

Last answer by Sammy Hawkins 3 months ago:
Buy fresh garlic bulbs. You know it is fresh garlic when the outer skin is white and papery. Avoid buying garlic ...
Buy fresh garlic bulbs. You know it is fresh garlic when the outer skin is white ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Freeze tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Freeze tomatoes

Last answer by Kelly Mcclure 4 days ago:
Tomatoes don’t last long on the shelf so freezing them is the ultimate solution. For days when you’ll be busy and ...
Tomatoes don’t last long on the shelf so freezing them is the ultimate solution. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Freeze potatoes'
Best Ways to

Freeze potatoes

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 2 months ago:
I like to freeze potatoes because when the potatoes are clean and cut, I can quickly prepare a meal in 30 minutes ...
I like to freeze potatoes because when the potatoes are clean and cut, I can quickly ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Preserve tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Preserve tomatoes

Last answer by Emma Simpson 4 months ago:
Passata is Italian for sieved tomatoes – which is nothing but tomato puree with the skin and seeds removed. You ...
Passata is Italian for sieved tomatoes – which is nothing but tomato puree with the ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Ripen tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Ripen tomatoes

Last answer by Jesus Burgess 12 months ago:
The easiest way to ripen your tomatoes is to place them on a kitchen windowsill that receives ample sunlight. Position ...
The easiest way to ripen your tomatoes is to place them on a kitchen windowsill that ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Skin tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Skin tomatoes

Last answer by Robert Thomas 3 years ago:
Blanching tomatoes, and other soft-fleshed fruit, is an incredibly effective and time-tested way to remove the ...
Blanching tomatoes, and other soft-fleshed fruit, is an incredibly effective and ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook peas'
Best Ways to

Cook peas

Last answer by Jeanne Young 1 year ago:
Peas are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The great thing about them is that they require hardly any ...
Peas are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The great thing about them ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Chop garlic'
Best Ways to

Chop garlic

Last answer by Nicholas English 2 years ago:
The easiest and quickest way to chop garlic is by crushing it. Take the flat side of a largeish kitchen knife and ...
The easiest and quickest way to chop garlic is by crushing it. Take the flat side ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook asparagus'
Best Ways to

Cook asparagus

Last answer by Vicky Gordon 6 months ago:
Asparagus is wonderful roasted with just a bit of oil and some herbs if desired. Just preheat your oven to 425 ...
Asparagus is wonderful roasted with just a bit of oil and some herbs if desired. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Chop tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Chop tomatoes

Last answer by Gracie Meyer 1 year ago:
You need as sharp a knife as possible to cut tomatoes. They're naturally soft, and if you use a dull knife, you'll ...
You need as sharp a knife as possible to cut tomatoes. They're naturally soft, and ...
Answers: 1

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