Best Ways to Dry milled wood

Dry milled wood

Check the weather condition to choose the right method

Drying is the most important part of milling woods. It requires great supervision and expertise. Any mistake in this process can make the lumber unfit for use. Drying milled woods have different methods. Air drying, Industrial oven heating etc. Air drying is the cheapest way to dry milled woods. But it only works in summer, when the temperature is elevated. In winter, the water inside the wood is frozen. Air dry is useless then. In that case heating is the best way of drying the woods. And in Spring, the weather fluctuates. So before starting to dry your freshly produced woods, make sure to check the weather and choose the right method for drying.

Written by Addie Watkins
1 month ago

Properly stack the lumber

Besides temperature, one of the key factors in drying wood is to properly stack the lumber. In stacking, you have the landscape timbers, the stickers and the lumber itself. Experts recommend choosing a dry place to stack the wood. The landscape timbers that keep the lumber high above the ground have to be solid and sturdy. Using 18 timbers is moderate because it provides enough space for the woods below to dry up. The stickers that separate the layers, must be dried woods and also narrow. The best place to put stickers are the sides and the center. You should carefully stack up your lumber. Take advice from a local timber manufacturer if necessary.

Written by Estella Koch
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Dry Milled Wood?


Dry milled lumber

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