Best Ways to Gain weight


Add protein, carbs, and fats to your diet

Protein-rich foods are an excellent way to build lean muscle mass when you’re trying to gain weight. So, stock up on soybean, nuts, whey protein, and other protein-heavy foods when you shop for groceries.

It’s important to have a bare minimum of three wholesome meals every day. In those meals, try to add a healthy dose of high-carb and high-fat foods such as oats, bananas, blueberries, dark chocolate, sweet potatoes, etc. to gain weight quickly. 

Written by Kim Jensen
2 years ago

Avoid Belly Bulge

If you are underweight, you would want to gain weight and eat more. You might be thinking that eating healthy is for when you want to lose weight not gain weight. But when you are trying to gain weight, eating a lot of unhealthy food, in a short period will not distribute the weight all over the body and mostly make the belly area bulge.

To avoid such a condition, eating a healthy diet is vital so that you gain weight consistently and your body becomes well-nourished. For sustainable weight gain, eat a protein and healthy fats diet more than three times a day.

Avoid Belly Bulge

Written by Dennis Burke
1 week ago

Take afternoon naps

Yes, afternoon naps are a straight-up boon!

Take afternoon naps

A 45-minute snooze in the afternoon helps relax your mind as well as muscles. Afternoon naps are a good way to have a sound sleep at night and also adds some weight to your body. In fact, napping in the afternoon is among the quickest way to put on weight without signing up for a gym membership.

Written by Lacey Swanson
8 months ago

Create a calorie surplus

A calorie surplus is created when you consume more calories than you burn. The larger calorie surplus you create, the faster you’ll gain weight.

If you want to take this process slow and steady, a good starting point is a 300-500 additional calories (i.e. calorie surplus). If you’re in a rush, aim for 800-1000 calories in addition to daily calories required by your body.

You can use an online calorie calculator to estimate your daily calorie intake, but it may be off by a few hundred calories. Regardless of this inaccuracy, an estimate can be quite helpful in the initial days/weeks to get a ballpark number on how many calories you need and how many you’re getting.

Written by Jeanette Fleming
9 months ago

Health Conditions

Some health conditions such as infections, celiac disease, cancer, thyroid problem, and diabetes may cause a sudden loss of weight. To find out how to gain weight properly, find the cause of weight loss. Talk to your doctor or see a specialist, to get the most reliable advice. Learn about the foods you should consume often and what to avoid. 

Health Conditions

Written by Regina Harding
5 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Gain Weight?

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