Best Ways to Fatten up a cat


Change and increase the cat’s diet gradually

This is most people’s go-to for fattening up their cat. However, before making changes to your cat’s diet, you must speak with your veterinarian and see what he recommends.

If he approves changing and increasing the diet, go for it. But remember that it is a process. Start adding the new food to your cat’s current food. Gradually increase the proportion of the new food, and reduce the proportion of old food. Keep adjusting the quantity until your cat achieves an optimum weight.

Written by Violet Williams
4 years ago

Give more treats

This is a rather tricky one for several reasons.

First, treats are not super nutritious, so they don’t offer a lot for your cat’s overall health.

However, they may help your cat put on a few pounds because they are calorie-dense.

But again, more treats may whet the cat’s appetite for meals.

So, the best way to go about it is to disperse small portions of treats throughout the day, with no treats 3 hours before the meals.

Written by Arturo Wilson
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Fatten Up a Cat?

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