Best Ways to Exercise your brain


Exercise your body to exercise your brain

Physical exercise is a good brain exercise as well. By learning new fitness skills and yoga, you exercise your brain. Choose a different variety of exercises every few weeks to challenge your brain.

Exercise your body to exercise your brain

Written by Glenn Reynolds
4 months ago

Tell good stories

Stories solidify our memories. Practice the art of storytelling, both new and old. Keep your stories fun, interesting, and compelling. It is a good way to keep people’s interest in what you have to say and exercises your brain when you search for stories in normal events.

Tell good stories

Written by Ernestine Jackson
2 years ago

Learn a foreign language

The listening and speaking involved in the process of learning a new language and its words stimulate the brain. Not only does learning a new language oil your brain, but it is also an excellent addition to your personality. In fact, a Spanish study published in the Annals of Psychology in October 2014 suggested a close link between a rich vocabulary and a lower risk of cognitive decline. 

Written by Ella Crawford
2 years ago

Turn off the TV

An average person watches around four hours of TV every day. Watching TV stands in the way of life, relationships, and more. It is unimaginative and your brain takes a passive seat. So, turn off your TV and spend more time doing something that makes your brain work.

Turn off the TV

Written by Michael Zimmerman
7 months ago

Play a game

Games are an excellent way to flex your brain. Tease your brain with crosswords, sudoku and other problem-solving games to sharpen your brain’s focus and memory. Games that are based on logic or math are generally best, but even other games like a jigsaw puzzle are quite effective.

Written by Eileen Williamson
4 months ago


Daily meditation is one of the best ways to have a healthy brain and body. It not only relaxes you but also exercises your brain. By creating a different mental state, you engage in interesting and new ways to increase your brain fitness.


Written by Shari Phillips
1 year ago

Read something different

Books are a portal to a new world. It is filled with stories, characters, information, and facts. Choose a book in a different genre this time. If you usually read non-fiction, try a fiction book. Read the classics, foreign authors, and random books. It will be good exercise for your brain to imagine different cultures, time periods, and people. Also, you can easily find a book from local, public libraries.

Read something different

Written by Orville Maxwell
5 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Exercise Your Brain?


Stimulate your brain

Challenge your brain

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