Best Ways to Sit with sciatica


Take Breaks and Stretch

If you have a job that requires you to sit in front of a screen for prolonged hours, you need a strategy so that you sit but avoid the pain. To stay pain-free or lessen the sciatic pain, take small breaks, and stretch your body.

Find a place where you can stretch. If you have a common room, waiting room, or garden at your office, use it. Do some quick yoga postures such as the baby pose, cat and cow pose and dog pose to release the tension created in the body while sitting. 

Written by Boyd Harris
7 months ago

Right Posture

Sitting with sciatica can be painful because sciatica usually springs from sitting too much. When sitting at home, work, or in the car, notice how you’re sitting. If your posture is poor, you are likely to stay in pain.

Find ways to make your posture better. If you always find yourself bending forward when you are working at your office, try to lean back and work in a comfortable position. Keep your feet on the ground such that your knees make a 90-degrees angle. 

When we are stressed or too busy, we often forget to notice how our posture is changed. Look at the things that you can improve and make a habit of checking your posture every 15 minutes.

Right Posture 

Written by Vicente Donaldson
2 months ago

Keep necessaries accessible

It’s best for those dealing with sciatica to eliminate any unnecessary movement while working at their desk. Arrange your workstation such that you can reach everything easily. Not only will this help you be at ease and relax, but it also increases efficiency.

If you’re creating a computer workstation, ensure that the keyboard and mouse are within your arm’s reach and the monitor is at eye level. Also arrange for a power socket, if there isn’t one already, near your workstation so you can keep your phone accessible at all times and don’t have to reach for it now and then. 

Keep necessaries accessible

Written by Seth Benson
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Sit with Sciatica?

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