Best Ways to Expand your vocabulary



Books and newspapers are the best source of words for building vocabulary. Reading gives you exposure to so many previously unknown words. Mostly the meaning of words can be guessed but a guess is a guess. When reading, keep a small paper and pencil to write the words that you don’t understand.

Reading helps you build better vocabulary because you don’t have to remember them by reading a list, you remember them when they are used in a situation to describe something. Our subconscious mind stores such words along with how they were used, and they make their way into our conversations at the right time when the situation is similar.


Written by Kelly Turner
9 months ago

Remember to Practice

Vocabulary building apps and reading cannot help you if you don’t incorporate the words you learn in your conversations. Talk to yourself and when you think of things, use the new words you learned because it is easier to say what you think.

Practice with the words in a low-stakes situation if you are shy of using them. Use it in front of your friends, family, and strangers. After some trial, you will learn to use them comfortably all the time.

Remember to Practice

Written by Gerardo Frazier
1 year ago

Make flashcards

When you’re trying to learn new vocabulary, the best way to study each word is through flashcards. You can make these flashcards as in depth as you need them to be. Include the part of speech, definition and an example of the word in a sentence to get you started. This will help you develop a general understanding of the vocabulary word. Study these flashcards and try using the vocabulary in your day-to-day conversations.

Written by Dewey Ramos
10 months ago

Download Vocabulary Building Apps

Several vocabulary building apps can help you build vocabulary gradually. The AI-powered apps understand your lifestyle and the words you should be using more. Through different videos, memes, and GIFs they can get the point across.

Some apps give you quizzes to solve. The ones you answer incorrectly are repeated often so that you can remember what they mean. Use the vocabulary apps when you are bored or traveling, and add more words to your daily conversations by learning constantly.

Written by Rita Warren
4 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Expand Your Vocabulary?

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