Best Ways to Pipe macarons


Use a stencil

A stencil is an invaluable tool when making macarons. They help to ensure even, uniform macarons that are all uniformly baked and fit together perfectly every time. You can buy macaron stencils at specialty baking supply stores, but not everyone wants to make the initial investment or has easy access to specialty tools. The good thing is that you can make a stencil in less than five minutes at home.

You'll only need parchment paper, a pencil, and a circle-shaped object the size of your desired macarons. This circle-sized object can be a cookie cutter, the rim of a glass, a piping tip, or the edge of a very small bowl. When deciding your final size, keep in mind that macarons don't really spread outward at all. Find a size that more or less fits exactly how big you'd like each macaron to be.

Take your circle object and trace around it with a pencil onto the parchment paper. Trace as many circles as will fit onto your baking sheet, spreading them about an inch and a half apart to ensure an even bake. Then place your parchment paper side down onto your baking sheet and you're ready to pipe.

Written by Eric Henderson
7 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Pipe Macarons?

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