You may be counting your cash, taking inventory, or writing a purchase order. But when a customer walks in, you need to pause it and pay attention to the customer. Ultimately, if there was no customer, you probably won’t have the cash or inventory. Aim to greet the customer within 30 seconds of entry by standing up, smiling, and using some words (good morning, how do you do, etc.). Ask them how you can help them today. When you’re done, you can resume whatever you were doing.
StockX is like eBay, made specifically for sneakers. It's an amazing platform for folks looking to resell sneakers on the internet. There are two ways to sell on this platform. Firstly, you, the seller, can set a fixed price for your product. Secondly, you also have the option to place your items on bid. This is great if you're selling an authentic or rare piece that people would love to pay a lot on.
If the name rings a bell, you’re probably thinking of a margarita with Corona in it. These are generally served at ratchet Mexican restaurants, but that’s NOT Ginger Beergarita. What we’re speaking of is a heavenly blend of lime on the rocks, tequila, and ginger – the most satisfying cocktail in all the worlds.
If your room is spacious you can put a small couch or two chairs and a table in the room, while leaving ample free space for movement. Arrange the seaters in such a way that they don’t interfere with other furniture. Place them a little away from the wall and add extras such as a table, lamp, a vase or book stand to fill up space elegantly. If your seats are big, don’t bother adding anything beside them because it won’t be very visible anyway.
Carpeting is the best way to keep the cold out. You can walk bare feet in your house and it should feel cozy. Depending on which rooms, you would like to keep warm, you can carpet the rooms where you spend most of your day during the winter season.
You can carpet the whole house excluding the garage, bathrooms, and kitchen. Or, you can just carpet the bedrooms and living room where you spend most of your time.
Putting your money in a savings account is one of the safest investments because you can withdraw it anytime and get interest benefit on the lump sum amount. Choose the right saving account that pays an interest rate that beats inflation. Fix deposit your money or select the types of savings plan according to your needs.