Best Ways to Winterize your house



Throwing in some rugs in any room can change the feel of the room. The rugs look cozy, and they give you the space to sit, do yoga, or exercise on the ground. A thick rug in every room can winterize the house and keep you cozy.


Find a rug that accentuates the living room, a bold rug in the living room in front of your couch can be the perfect place to put your feet while sipping on a hot drink.

Written by Martha Brennan
1 year ago

Draft Stoppers

Draft stoppers are like pool noodles that can be wrapped on the bottom of the doors. They insulate the drafts and protect the house from insects as well. When the heat from the inside cannot escape and the cold air from outside cannot get inside the house, your house stays warm during the winter months.

Written by Ernesto Charles
9 months ago

Bake Often

Baking something in winter with the kitchen door open can help keep the house warm. Instead of cooking, try more baking recipes. Eat your meals in the kitchen if you have a spacious kitchen. Even if your house is tiny and the kitchen is right next to the living room, the heat from the oven will keep the space warm and smell lovely. Bake your bread and cakes. Additionally, hotcakes and bread taste so good in the winter season. 

Written by Fern Richard
2 months ago

Hang Old Rugs on the Windows

If the windows at your house are large and poorly insulated, you should consider hanging old rugs or blankets on them. Use heavy-duty hooks or two nails on either side of the window. Cut the old blanket or rug to the size of the window you want to insulate. Attach hooks to the ends and hang them. Draw the blinds and there you have it. The window is insulated. 

Written by Amos Cole
2 years ago


Carpeting is the best way to keep the cold out. You can walk bare feet in your house and it should feel cozy. Depending on which rooms, you would like to keep warm, you can carpet the rooms where you spend most of your day during the winter season.

You can carpet the whole house excluding the garage, bathrooms, and kitchen. Or, you can just carpet the bedrooms and living room where you spend most of your time.


Written by Carolyn Wheeler
2 years ago

Use Bubble Wrap

Bubble wraps are good at insulating the windows because they help keep the cold out. If your bed or couch is next to the window and it feels chilling when you spend time near the window, you should consider lining the windows with bubble wrap.

Bubble wrap is cheap and it can be easily found at a local hardware store or ordered online. Measure and cut the bubble wrap according to the size of the window and then stick the bubble wrap to the inside of the windows with tape. For additional insulation, use two or more layers.

Use Bubble Wrap

Written by Ofelia Patrick
9 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Winterize Your House?


Winterize your home

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