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Ernesto Sawyer

Write off business travel expenses even while on vacation

Combine your vacation trip with a business trip and you can reduce the costs by deducting the percent of expenses spent for business purposes. This includes hotel stay and airfare. Talk to a tax professional to make the calculations correctly.

Drink more water

Hard stools are the main reasons for suffering from constipation, a common problem in the gastrointestinal. In order to eliminate constipation, we must first get rid of hard stools. There are some home remedies for hard stools and among them the most easy remedy is drinking more water. Water will effectively soften the stools and get you out of the painful and uncomfortable situation of hard stool. But overdrinking can also cause massive malfunction in body metabolism. Simply follow the rule of urine color. If you have dark yellow urine, you are suffering from dehydration and you need to drink more water.

Narrow fold

As the name suggests, narrow folds are perfect for tight spaces.

-       Lay the towel on the flat surface and fold in half along its length.

-       Align the short edges on top of each other.

-       Fold the hemmed edge to the two-thirds of the way to create a crease.

-       Fold the opposite edge over the hemmed edge.

-       Tada! Your towel is narrow folded.

Narrow fold

Relive your very first date

Remember the way you fell in love. Recreate the first date. Talk about how you both were when you first met and what made you fall in love with each other in the first place. Even if you cannot return to the exact place you first met, you can at least plan some similar activities. Like if you met for dinner the first time, you can go out for dinner and drinks. Just remember and recreate it and make the magic happen again!

Relive your very first date

Walk around with minimal cash

If you believe you’re super vulnerable to the desire to spend, just walk around with enough cash for emergencies + whatever you’re supposed to spend when you go out.

Walk around with minimal cash

If you’re out buying $30 worth of groceries, keep the $30 and plus some amount to get you out of any emergencies. Also, don’t cheat and use your credit card for impulse purchases!

Take the shot

This is how many Mexicans drink tequila. Neat and un-chilled. Take room temperature tequila in a shot glass. Toast. And pour it down your gullet. You can also have tequila with salt and lime. Lick the skin between your index finger and thumb. Shake a little bit of salt on your skin. Take a lime wedge and tequila shot in your hand. Lick the salt, shoot the tequila in one gulp and suck on the lime.

Take the shot

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