Best Ways to Splatter acrylic paint


With a Brush

Use a brush to splatter the paint. If you are going for bigger lines and dots, submerge the brush completely into the paint. For thinner lines and strokes, dip half of it or less. Do not use a very large brush if you are dealing with a small canvas and plan on adding small details. The best thing about paint is that you can always fix your mistakes but if you are a beginner, you might have a hard time fixing them. Use a beginner-safe approach and take one color at a time in smaller quantities to splatter paint.

With a Brush

Written by Thelma Poole
1 month ago

Big Dots

As a beginner, it can be difficult to splatter paint with a brush because you might add a glop. You need a more manageable approach for splattering paint. Use a large dropper to create dots and lines. The dropper will be mostly under your control and the chances of spilling too much will be highly reduced.

Written by Laurel Wade
5 months ago

Drops using a Tooth brush

If you want to splatter a small amount of paint to form dust like droplets on a canvas, use a toothbrush. Dip the toothbrush in paint just like you would put toothpaste on the toothbrush. Turn it upside down so that the bristles are facing the canvas or paper. Slide your fingers starting from one end to the other. This should splatter lots of tiny droplets close to each other. This technique works best for creating stars in the sky painting. 

Written by Jesus Taylor
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Splatter Acrylic Paint?

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