Exercise is a great way to improve cholesterol and keep your body moving. Including physical activity in your daily routine can help you lose weight and maintain a normal cholesterol level. You can easily do this by taking a walk in the afternoon or playing sports with a group of friends. Add physical activity to your schedule a few times a week with a doctor's approval.
Butter, Cheese, and cream have high amounts of fats that can increase the body’s cholesterol level. If you want to stop snowballing levels of cholesterol in your body, stop eating dairy products. High cholesterol can cause high blood pressure, stroke, or other cardiovascular diseases.
It is easy to consume more dairy because it seems to be healthy but it has an alarmingly high-fat content that can easily mess with the cholesterol levels in your blood.
Giving up cigarettes helps improve your HDL cholesterol level. The positive effects kick in fairly quickly:
- 20 minutes after you quit, your heart rate and blood pressure will normalize
- 3 months after you quit, you’ll notice an improvement in your lung function and blood circulation
- 1 year after you quit, the risk of heart disease almost halves as compared to a smoker
Scientific researches have shown that garlic can help lower cholesterol levels. On average, a person who eats a clove of garlic every day has a 10% less chance of cholesterol coronary heart disease because of lowered levels of cholesterol.
Eating raw garlic can also help reduce inflammation in the body, fight cold, and regulate blood pressure.
Carrying that extra weight can drive your cholesterol up. Small changes in your diet can extrapolate the effects. Replace sugar-intense beverages with tap water. Have an occasional snack if you can’t resist, but be sure to track your calorie intake.
You can inculcate some physical activities in your schedule as well to keep your weight under control. Consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or park a few blocks away from your office and walk a little. Spend more time standing. A good way to do that is to stand while you do tasks that can also be done standing up – like reading or even surfing through your social media.
Exercise can do wondrous things for your overall health. Moderate to intense physical activity elevates high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or what is considered as the “good” cholesterol. Aim for exercising about 5 times a week for 30 minutes a day – but check with your doctor if you have any preexisting conditions.
If you’re unable to find sufficient time for exercise (it happens), try to do build it into your current schedule:
- Use your leftover lunch break to take a brisk walk through your office
- Ditch the car and ride a bike to work
- Play a sport on weekends instead of sitting in front of the TV
Consumption of saturated and trans fats increases your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, commonly known as the “bad” cholesterol. Trans fats are often disguised on the ingredient list as “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.” These are generally used in store-bought cookies and crackers. The FDA has decided to ban the usage of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils effective 1st January 2021.
If your diet consists of fast food, sugary drinks, and desserts, you tend to get higher cholesterol. Eating healthy is important for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
Skip unhealthy fatty foods and start eating foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty foods include salmon, mackerel, tuna, soybean oil, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. Don't skip fats altogether because they are vital for the body as they perform important body functions.
Trans Fat refers to the chemically synthesized ‘partially hydrogenated vegetable oil’. It is used as a substitute for butter and is often found in store-bought baked goods and pre-cooked meats.
Trans-fat is not a healthy fat and it can also increase blood cholesterol. Margarine is also made of hydrogenated vegetable oil which is not real butter. Avoid foods that contain trans-fat by reading the ingredients list of products when you shop.
The easiest way to improve your cholesterol is to change your diet to include foods that are better for your heart. It's as easy as replacing a few key ingredients. Instead of eating red meat, replace it with salmon which is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Instead of cakes and cookies, fill up on fruits high in fiber such as apples and pears. Another great alternative is switching dairy high in fat for plant-based products such as almond and oat milk.
If your BMI is not healthy, you probably have fat under your skin that could be a reason for high cholesterol. But the good news is that shedding those pounds will also help lower cholesterol levels effectively.
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, try to incorporate exercise into your routine. Daily exercise, half an hour walk, or simple daily activities such as walking to nearby places, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and cleaning your house more often can help burn calories.
Indulge yourself in physical activities such as Zumba, vigorous cleaning, or cooking. It will help you stay active and lower cholesterol by depleting the body’s fat reservoirs.