Topics tagged tech

image for topic 'Learn Javascript'
Best Ways to

Learn Javascript

Last answer by Jesus Burgess 2 years ago:
Pick a framework you want to learn. Check the online community for the same. Most of the frameworks are open source, ...
Pick a framework you want to learn. Check the online community for the same. Most ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Back up files'
Best Ways to

Back up files

Last answer by Regina Harding 5 months ago:
Creating a disk image (for your Mac or for your PC) is a very efficient way of backing up your files, folders, ...
Creating a disk image (for your Mac or for your PC) is a very efficient way of backing ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Erase a hard drive'
Best Ways to

Erase a hard drive

Last answer by Jane Pena 2 months ago:
Insert the installation disk into the CD-ROM tray and reboot your computer. Be prepared to press a certain key ...
Insert the installation disk into the CD-ROM tray and reboot your computer. Be prepared ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Change the display refresh rate on MacOS'
Best Ways to

Change the display refresh rate on MacOS

Last answer by Margie Mann 2 weeks ago:
The default display refresh rate for Mac is set at 60Hz, and it’s recommended that you keep it unchanged unless ...
The default display refresh rate for Mac is set at 60Hz, and it’s recommended that ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Use gopro hero9 as a webcam'
Best Ways to

Use gopro hero9 as a webcam

Last answer by Paula Maldonado 2 years ago:
GoPros are compatible with their own webcam desktop utility that can be downloaded from here. The application is ...
GoPros are compatible with their own webcam desktop utility that can be downloaded ...
Answers: 1

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