Best Ways to Winterize a boat


Use Antifreeze to fill the Engine Block

Boat owners know the drill of using a boat when it is not ready for winter. Extreme winter condition harms boat’s engine and if not taken proper precautions, expensive loss can be faced. Using fog oil and changing the oil in the engines is a good starter. Then use antifreeze in the engine block to prevent any water or liquids from freezing. Non-toxic propylene glycol antifreeze is recommended to use for winterizing a boat. If you want your boat to have a long life, follow these steps!

Written by Ginger Ramos
1 month ago

Stabilizing Fuel is a must

When winter is around the corner, boat owner should know it’s time to winterize their boat. This process prepares the boat from extreme cold and he engine lives a healthy life. It is essential to stabilize fuel after changing the engine oil and draining water from the engine. A high quality marine stabilizer should be used to prevent the fuel deterioration within 2 months of last change. Remember to use a fogging oil spray to protect the engines from metal corrosions.

Written by Clyde Hughes
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Winterize a Boat?

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