Best Ways to Prevent acne


Wash your face

Washing your face twice every day can help remove the sweat, dirt, and excess oil from the skin. Although, washing your face more than twice a day might do the opposite and make your acne worse.

Wash your face

Wash your face with warm, but not hot water and preferably use an alcohol-free cleanser to avoid drying out your skin. Apply the cleanser on your face and rub it gently in a circular motion. Rinse thoroughly, and then pat your face dry.

Written by Penny Gaines
3 years ago

Don’t pop the acne

I know, you probably want to punch the life out of that little bugger ruining the look of your face, but it’s best to leave it alone.

Popping acne can result in scars, bleeding, or even an infection. It might increase inflammation that could clog the pores surrounding the popped acne – and worsen your acne problem.

Written by Glenda Peters
4 months ago

Stop touching your face

We are all guilty of it. Without even thinking about it, we touch our faces multiple times every minute. It may be involuntary, but it is not great for your face. We touch a million different things every single day. When we touch our face, we are bringing all of those germs onto the surface of our skin. This can lead to irritation and clogged pores. Make sure you are washing both your hands and your face multiple times a day.

Written by Karen Williamson
2 months ago

Don’t touch your face

You’re probably not doing it since the pandemic started, but even once you’re vaccinated – keep your hands off your face if you want to prevent acne.

Don’t touch your face

Your hands pick up plenty of grime and bacteria as you go through your day. When you touch your face, these pore-clogging elements are transferred onto your face. Now, this doesn’t mean you’re never supposed to touch your face, but keep it to a minimum. 

Written by Dolores Wallace
4 years ago

Keep yourself hydrated

Dehydration causes the body to signal the oil glands of your skin to increase oil production. It makes the skin appear dull and promotes redness and inflammation.

Ideally, you should have eight glasses (8-ounce each) of water daily to keep your body adequately hydrated. If you’re in a hot or humid environment, breastfeeding/pregnant, or exercising – drink even more water.

Written by Maureen Warren
5 days ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Prevent Acne?

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