Best Ways to Winterize your car


Air Pressure of Tires

Find out what is the correct tire pressure for your car’s tires. Maintain good tire pressure at all times and check it every day before your regular drive. Car tires perform well on icy roads when their durability is maintained and kept at the right tire air pressure. 

Air Pressure of Tires

Written by Nicholas English
2 months ago

Check Battery

Extreme temperatures can affect your car battery’s life. To winterize your car, check if the battery is in good shape by getting it tested. If you live in a location where the weather gets really bad in the winter, consider getting an old battery replaced as soon as possible.

Written by Brett Dorsey
10 months ago

Check Your Heater

Check your car’s heater when going on a long road trip to ensure that your car will stay warm. If your car is not getting warm enough, there can be a few reasons that need to be resolved. The anti-freeze or water in the radiator could be leaking causing the problem. Other reasons could be a faulty thermostat, faulty valve, or a clogged heater core.

Check Your Heater

Written by Clayton Bell
1 year ago

Keep Blankets

If your car heater is not working and you will be going out on a road trip with your family including kids, it is a good idea to winterize your car with some blankets and cushions. Clothe the toddlers appropriately and cover them with a blanket. You might not need the blankets during the day when it’s sunny but evenings and night in a car with no heater can be very chilly.

Written by Ollie Martinez
2 years ago

Change the Oil

To winterize your car, change the oil before the winter season reaches its peak. The oil can get contaminated and cold can make it even worse which can be damaging to the car’s engine. An oil change can elongate the engine’s life and improve its performance in the winter season.

Change the Oil

Written by Penny Gaines
1 year ago

Pack a Survival Kit

The Winter season in some parts of the world can be very harsh. If you are planning to spend a long time on the road and traveling to unknown places, make a survival kit to winterize the car in case you get stranded. Keep a bag in your trunk with blankets, a torchlight, road flares, your phone’s charger, basic first aid supplies, food, and water. You might not need the survival bag but if your car breaks down and you have to spend some time in the wilderness, make sure that you have the necessary supplies.

Written by Cecilia Leonard
1 week ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Winterize Your Car?

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