Topics tagged communication

image for topic 'Start an essay'
Best Ways to

Start an essay

Last answer by Judith Rogers 4 weeks ago:
Introduction to the topic is one of the most common ways of starting an essay. You can also include some of your ...
Introduction to the topic is one of the most common ways of starting an essay. You ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Sign off a letter'
Best Ways to

Sign off a letter

Last answer by Amy Morrison 3 weeks ago:
“Warm regards” is one of those sign-offs that you can experiment with involving warmth. While a word like “warmly” ...
“Warm regards” is one of those sign-offs that you can experiment with involving warmth. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Compose a business email'
Best Ways to

Compose a business email

Last answer by Miguel Greene 1 month ago:
When sending an email be courteous and polite. It is not a causal email to your friend; therefore, you need to ...
When sending an email be courteous and polite. It is not a causal email to your friend; ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'End a speech'
Best Ways to

End a speech

Last answer by Russell Holland 7 months ago:
If you want your audience to clearly distinguish something at the end of the speech, you should go for a contrast ...
If you want your audience to clearly distinguish something at the end of the speech, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Keep a conversation going'
Best Ways to

Keep a conversation going

Last answer by Glenda Peters 2 months ago:
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, or jobs. Take time to note ...
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment a girl over text'
Best Ways to

Compliment a girl over text

Last answer by Harriet Reynolds 2 weeks ago:
Step up the compliment game if the girl you are complimenting is your girlfriend or the girl you are dating. If ...
Step up the compliment game if the girl you are complimenting is your girlfriend ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Write a resume'
Best Ways to

Write a resume

Last answer by Jacquelyn Lee 2 weeks ago:
Every employer needs one thing to seal the deal with you; your contact information. It's probably the most fundamentally ...
Every employer needs one thing to seal the deal with you; your contact information. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Start a conversation'
Best Ways to

Start a conversation

Last answer by Bryant Knight 3 months ago:
If you already know or have known the person you want to spark a conversation with, keep it simple – just catch ...
If you already know or have known the person you want to spark a conversation with, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'End an email'
Best Ways to

End an email

Last answer by Ollie Martinez 8 months ago:
Are you writing a cover letter? Sincerely convey the right tone for formal correspondence. Be aware that you are ...
Are you writing a cover letter? Sincerely convey the right tone for formal correspondence. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'End a conversation'
Best Ways to

End a conversation

Last answer by Ella Crawford 3 months ago:
It's important to be polite when ending a conversation. You don't want to leave abruptly and leave a bad taste ...
It's important to be polite when ending a conversation. You don't want to leave abruptly ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Introduce yourself'
Best Ways to

Introduce yourself

Last answer by Cecilia Leonard 2 weeks ago:
If you have an interview and you are scared to introduce yourself tomorrow, consider writing down everything you ...
If you have an interview and you are scared to introduce yourself tomorrow, consider ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Handle a disgruntled customer'
Best Ways to

Handle a disgruntled customer

Last answer by Gloria Watkins 5 months ago:
Don’t let your customer’s words provoke you. You might feel angry and feel like you want to yell back, but avoid ...
Don’t let your customer’s words provoke you. You might feel angry and feel like you ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Write a cover letter'
Best Ways to

Write a cover letter

Last answer by Stewart Nichols 4 months ago:
Draft a new cover letter for each company. It is easier to create a template and change the name of the company ...
Draft a new cover letter for each company. It is easier to create a template and ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Communicate with employees'
Best Ways to

Communicate with employees

Last answer by Alexis Dorsey 4 months ago:
Communication is a two-way street. Communicating with your employees involves listening to them, too. Prudent businesspe ...
Communication is a two-way street. Communicating with your employees involves listening ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Write a conclusion'
Best Ways to

Write a conclusion

Last answer by Cathy Marquez 3 weeks ago:
It’s okay to not sound excessively smart or professional when writing the conclusion. As long as it doesn’t entirely ...
It’s okay to not sound excessively smart or professional when writing the conclusion. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Say i love you'
Best Ways to

Say i love you

Last answer by Glenda Meyer 1 year ago:
"I love you" has a sacred feeling attached to it. These three words mean a lot more than people realize. It doesn't ...
"I love you" has a sacred feeling attached to it. These three words mean a lot more ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Grab audience right from the start'
Best Ways to

Grab audience right from the start

Last answer by Dorothy White 5 months ago:
With any sort of performance, whether it be stand-up, music, or even just a short speech, you need to prepare and ...
With any sort of performance, whether it be stand-up, music, or even just a short ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Write an introduction'
Best Ways to

Write an introduction

Last answer by Roderick Leonard 2 months ago:
Regardless of what you're writing an introduction for, an essay, a thesis, a blog, it has to cover the exact same ...
Regardless of what you're writing an introduction for, an essay, a thesis, a blog, ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Introduce yourself in a speech'
Best Ways to

Introduce yourself in a speech

Last answer by Evan Ortega 1 year ago:
Suppose you're speaking at an event where you've already been introduced, or the audience already knew who was ...
Suppose you're speaking at an event where you've already been introduced, or the ...
Answers: 1

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