Best Ways to Change your mindset

Change your mindset

Retrain your mind and body by 3 positive changes per day

Develop a habit of observing 3 positive changes in your body and mindset every day. Each day is a new day to learn something and explore yourself. These changes might also affect other people. For instance, you can observe how politely did you reply to your employer’s email or have talked on the phone with your client.

It is an effective way I use to retrain my body. I might not see 3 positive changes in me every day but it boosts up my confidence and makes me feel good about myself. 

Written by Mathew Kelly
10 months ago

Flip the switch

To bring about a positive change in your mindset, you must identify your negative thoughts. The next step is to find a way to stop the thoughts that are holding you back to bring the change. The best technique I know, since my childhood, is the ‘flip the switch’ method. It is a cycle to gradually go from negative to positive.

For years, I have stood in front of the mirror and pointed out my flaws. Now I stand there and identify good features about my body and face. There were times when I had to force myself to say, ‘Yes, you look good’. I took some time to realize that your mindset works on your thoughts. The happier your thoughts are, the better your mindset is.Flip the switch

Written by Glenda Meyer
9 months ago

Realize that willpower and motivation are not sufficient

Most people believe that motivation and willpower are all you need to change your mindset. False, because you first need to understand the ‘whys’ causing hindrances. We all know that willpower and motivation are hard to maintain, especially if you have a negative mindset.

It does not take time for people to give up on their habits. They try it for a month and then let go of them completely. The key to changing the mindset permanently is to be consistent in everything you do. Only then can you live on the idea that you actually achieved something in your life.

Written by Kathy Skinner
6 days ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Change Your Mindset?

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