Best Ways to Dispose cooking oil


Pour Into Disposable Container

If you want to throw out the oil, let the oil cool completely, then pour it into a non-recyclable container with a lid and throw it away. Common non-recyclable containers that do well include cardboard milk cartons and similar candle boxes or paper containers lined with plastic. Styrofoam and other eating containers are also good options.

Written by Martha Fisher
2 months ago

Chill Until Solid

If you prefer to throw it away, you must first freeze or cool the oil to make it hard. Pour the disposable oil into an old can and place it in the freezer or refrigerator. Once the oil is solid enough to pop out of the can in one piece, you are ready to throw it away.

If you don't have more than a cup of oil or fat, pour it into a cup of coffee and put it in the fridge. When it hardens, remove it and dispose of it with a spoon. Then wipe the cup with a paper towel or used tissue before washing it.

Written by Karen Mason
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Dispose Cooking Oil?

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