If you want to dump your boyfriend, do it fast. The longer you will take to think about it, and discuss it, the longer it will take you to do it. Once you have made up your mind to part your ways, don’t prolong the inevitable.
Don’t stick around him or think about him. If you are sure about dumping him, change your feelings for him, and shift your thoughts and energy towards positive things in life.
There are always secrets and misunderstandings when relationships end. If you have good intentions for your boyfriend, tell them the truth. Honesty does not mean the brutal or harsh truth. Try to tell them what’s missing or broken in respectful words. Avoid yelling or hurting them with harsh words as much as possible.
Write down the reason for breaking up and read it as your boyfriend will read it. If it’s too harsh think of a polite way to say it. Every relationship should be based on honesty and end with goodness.
When you have made up your mind that you want to end the relationship, you need to have the courage to do it. Don’t avoid his calls and stay away. Make things clear as soon as possible. Give him a hint that you are not happy or you can’t be together with him anymore. Take some time to think and let him do the thinking too. Avoiding the other person only makes the process worse and creates communication gaps. Once you have made up your mind, talk to him about it and end the relationship on good terms.
Even if the relationship was toxic or violent, you should try to end it as respectfully as possible. Rushing to say things that are inside your head during a heated argument will become a huge regret later. You two were together because you liked each other. If the other person, you, or the situation changed, it does not mean that the way you two felt for each other never existed. The person was important to you or could still be important, therefore they deserve to be treated with respect.