Best Ways to Text a boy for the first time

Text a boy for the first time

Don’t send multiple texts in a row

Don’t send multiple texts in a row

Waiting for a reply is very frustrating, but don’t turn off everything by sending multiple texts. Sending someone multiple texts means you don’t have a life and you are not an interesting person at all.

A person having an interesting life would never waste his time in sending multiple texts in a row. Similarly, long texts should also be avoided. Multiple texts put a lot of pressure on the guy, creping them out. Moreover, it makes you look desperate.

Written by Clara Jensen
10 months ago

Ask him questions

Sending the first text can be nerve-wracking. The best way to start a conversation that will continue organically is to ask the guy questions. It shows that you're interested in getting to know him and what he's about. On the other hand, make sure to take note of the effort he puts into the conversation. He should be asking you questions to show that he has an interest in talking to you too.

Written by Ulysses Schneider
4 months ago

Never Just say Hi

If you want a good conversation, you will have to work on your opening. You should never just say “Hi”. It’s boring and such texts are most likely to be ignored. It's a fact that 95 percent of such conversations go nowhere. On top of that, it makes the situation awkward making the guy think “why is she texting me?”

You need to be creative with your texts. The perfect opening of the conversation is something that will create a back and forth conversation.

Written by Paula Maldonado
1 week ago

Keep it Casual

The golden rule of texting guys is avoiding serious conversations. Serious conversations are boring and turn guys off. Logical and serious texts put a lot of pressure on the guy. Keep the chat casual and easy-going.

If the guy feels relaxed talking to you, he is much more likely to fall for you. Positive emotions are created by casual vibes, increasing attraction. If you are having a good time it is for sure that the vibes will also be passed onto him. So keep things casual, and enjoy the chat!

Written by Leon Rivera
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Text a Boy for the First Time?

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