An overfed dog is not a healthy dog. Feeding your dog too many calories at once will make the dog gain a lot of weight in a short while which can be very dangerous for the dog. Start feeding the dog, calorie-dense foods slowly. Make a healthy weight gain goal and plan to increase the dog’s weight by 0.25-2 pounds each month depending on your dog’s age, size, and breed.
To help the dog gain a healthy weight, you need to make sure that you are feeding the right type of calories to the dog. A high-quality feed should contain premium meat that provides the right blend of fat and protein. Talk to a vet to change the dog food you are using or find supplements that can fatten up your dog a little.
A stressed dog is likely to skip meals and lose weight. There could be a lot of reasons for a dog’s stress, find out what’s the cause of his anxiety. It could be due to the dog’s past, less attention, or some other reasons. Spend some time playing with your dog, take her outside more often, and buy her toys to make her happy and encourage her to eat.
When your dog has been running or playing and hasn’t eaten in a while, she will be ready to eat like a beast. Waiting for the right time to eat when she’s actually hungry will develop her appetite. If you feed the dog all the time even when she’s not hungry skipping the food will become a habit. So, present the food at the right time when she indirectly asks for it. She’ll probably eat more when she eats at once and gain weight.
Some dogs are spoiled dogs are picky eaters and they like to eat what they want to eat. If you adopted the dog, ask the previous owner what the dog likes to eat. Get the dog’s favorite food or make it for your dog. Some dogs like to have a drizzle of olive oil, some tune, or an egg with their food.
If the dog is not happy to eat his meal. Spoil your dog a little to help him gain weight.