Best Ways to Train a dog


Train in a Quiet Room

Train in a Quiet RoomThe best way to keep your dog focused on the task at hand is to train the puppy in a quiet room. Dogs have a really small attention span and get distracted really easily. If you want to keep them away from distractions, it's best to practice in a quiet room so that the dog's attention isn't diverted to loud noises.

Written by Jesus Gregory
4 years ago

Be Patient

Some dogs pick up on things pretty quickly; others don't. It's perfectly normal if your pupper doesn't respond to your training sessions that quickly. This is why you should be patient while training your dogs. Keep on being persistent with your training and reinforce your sessions with treats and other goodies to keep your puppy happy.

Written by Terry Coleman
2 years ago

Aversive vs Reward Based Training

Aversive training is based on shouting, confrontational starring, and hitting dogs to train them. On the contrary, reward-based training is about treating your dog with a reward to encourage good behavior. Upon following your command, you say ‘Good Dog’ or give them a treat.

Written by William Knox
11 months ago

Short Sessions

Dogs can be pretty overwhelmed by extensive training sessions. Two hours of training for dogs is equivalent to an 8-hour session at school for you. Do you remember feeling drained at the end of those 8 hours? Your dog feels the same way and will get overwhelmed by extensive sessions.

Written by Chester Vasquez
11 months ago

Understand the Dog’s Favorite Way of Learning

Dogs like to learn new things like babies. An intelligent dog breed can understand up to 250 words you say. The real struggle is how to get a dog to do what you say. Dogs understand the tone of voice and your mood. There are three types of intelligence recognized in dogs that help them learn:


This type of intelligence is the result of how the dog was bred. If the dog was told not to growl from a young age when the owner told them to stay quiet, the dog’s instinct to stay calm will be developed at an early age. 


The dog learns from the environment and surroundings. For example, the dog will bring her bowl to you when she’s hungry because she was always fed in the bowl and she uses it to signal that she needs food. 

Working and Obedience:

Working and obedience are taught to a dog. The dog follows what the owner tells them to do by abiding by what’s being said. 

Understanding their intelligence can help you obedience train them effectively while focusing on what is the most effective strategy to train your dog. Teaching the dogs in a way they want to be taught makes the learning process easy and fun for the dog and you. 

Understand the Dog’s Favorite Way of Learning

Written by Ada Matthews
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Train a Dog?

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