Best Ways to Win your girlfriend over



Women like to talk about how their day went, what are their problems, and the goals they want to achieve. When she talks about all of it, she’s not seeking your opinions, solutions, or advice, she’s only letting you know what’s on her mind. John Gray in his famous book; “Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus” pointed out that the biggest mistake that men make while communicating with a woman offers their advice and solutions to her problems. When she’s talking to you, she doesn’t want your opinion unless she asks for it. She wants you to be there are understand her, comforts her, and say; I’m here for you.


Written by Leo Cross
7 months ago

Be Protective

Being protective and being controlling are two different things. Being protective means, you care about her and try to protect her. Offer to walk with her at night, wait outside the public bathroom for her, drive her home from work if she’s unwell, and try to keep her safe. Become her superman. 

Written by Nicholas Taylor
5 months ago

Be Deliberate

From the moment you get her number, start sending her texts to ask her about her day. Send her motivational quotes and pretty much anything you think she’ll like. Ask her if she’s free on the weekend to have dinner with you, join you in watching a movie, or come to a party. Including her in your plans means that you think about her and value her in your life. Even if she’s unsure about what she wants, show her that you are sure about having her in your life. Stop being indecisive and ask yourself do you want her or not, if you do, tell her what you feel about her as soon as you are ready to be her partner. 

Be Deliberate

Written by Robin Walker
2 years ago

Put in the Effort

The first and foremost thing you need to do to win over any person is to make an effort. People really love it when they get a certain amount of attention from folks, especially when they don't expect it. If you want to win over your girlfriend, go and pay her some attention. Show her that you care. Be confident when you're with her. Lead the way, lead the conversation. Prove to her that you're there for her through your actions, not your words.

Written by Phyllis Lopez
1 year ago

Pursue Her

Pursuing the woman does not mean following, stalking, and spooking. If you really want to win her heart, keep trying and don’t miss any opportunity to impress her with your kind gestures, your caring nature, and your handsomeness. Introduce yourself to her instead of using a pickup line to flirt. Talk to her about what she’s doing and mutual interests. A woman is much more than a pretty face so make sure that you look beyond her beauty. To win her over, you are competing with all the guys out there, make sure that you portray yourself as the best one among them. 

Written by Pat Coleman
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Win Your Girlfriend Over?

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