Best Ways to Get better at fortnite


Play Patiently

Fortnite is a game that requires patience. However, the most patience required in the entire game is when you're about to drop. A lot of newbies get impatient and hot-drop right off the bat. Some would argue that hot-dropping teaches you the game pretty quickly since you're put in match-ups with people who know what they're doing. However, I would disagree. Hot-drops are a good way to learn the game but only when you have the fundamental basics understood. If you're just starting off the game, try dropping to the edge of the map to really get a feel for the game. Try out the guns, practice your 90s, fight whatever little players you can without getting third partied. Your gameplay will really improve with this strategy.

Written by Lacey Mcdonald
1 month ago

Play Around With the Sensitivity

One of the best ways to really change things up and improve your overall game is to play around with your sensitivity. Most gamers, even me personally, are so used to playing on the same sensitivity that we're accustomed to it, even if it doesn't suit our playing style. There's a huge difference between comfortable and good. It's not necessary for a comfortable sensitivity setting to be good. Just randomize your sensitivity settings and experiment to see what works well for you.

Written by Ollie Hart
3 months ago

Practice in the Playground

If you're really looking to get better at the game, shooting, and building both, all you need is practice. Instead of hopping right into a game, first, go ahead and practice in the Playground. It gives you a chance to really hone your skills and get used to the dual dynamic of Fortnite that forces you to build and shoot at the same time. Give it a few hours of practice. The game will feel substantially easier after that.

Written by Benny West
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Improve In Fortnite?

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