Best Ways to Upgrade your pc

Upgrade your pc

Invest in a Solid-State Drive

This relatively inexpensive upgrade will result in a dramatic performance improvement, particularly for aging systems. It will make your PC feel more responsive, and shorten the boot times significantly.

If your PC is already fitted with a SATA-based SDD, take it up a notch with an NVMe M.2 drive to improve your PC’s general responsiveness and boot times, although not as significantly as with a hard drive.

Written by Arthur Harper
12 months ago

Add more RAM

While most users will sail through just fine on an 8GB RAM, gamers are better off with at least 16GB, particularly for playing the modern AAA games.

The point is, if you’re going to just edit word documents and watch movies, you don’t need additional RAM unless your PC is giving you a hard time. If you’re getting into some graphics editing, though, you may find that your PC is struggling with performance, and often adding more RAM will solve this issue. 

Written by Sean Wallace
3 months ago

Fire up your rig with a graphics card

Before you go online and add the most expensive graphics card available, be sure to check your monitor’s resolution and your CPU’s compatibility with the card. You may also need to pay some attention to its PSU requirements, and check the card’s dimensions to make sure you have enough slots in your motherboard.

Once you’re done, let it rip. There are tons of powerful GPUs (graphics processing units) available that can considerably overhaul your PC’s performance. 

Fire up your rig with a graphics card

Written by Henry Mitchell
6 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Upgrade Your Pc?

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