Best Ways to Use alexa


Check the weather

The first thing I do every morning when I'm getting ready for my day is wonder what the weather is going to be like that day. Knowing what the weather is going to be like can help you be prepared for your day. It helps you decide your outfit, what shoes you should wear, or even if you just need to remember to grab your umbrella before heading out the door. Your Alexa can help you each morning by giving you a quick weather report for your local area.

Written by Leonardo Richards
1 year ago

Play your favorite tunes

One of the main ways my family uses our Alexa in our house is for music! We love to play music when we are all spending quality time together. Whether it be cooking in the kitchen as a family or playing some fun board games, our Alexa keeps the mood light and fun with our favorite music. Simply ask your Alexa to play your favorite genre, artist or even a specific song. Get ready to dance and enjoy!

Written by Carolyn Mclaughlin
9 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Use Alexa?

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