Best Ways to Increase chances of pregnancy


Regular Sex

Having frequent sex throughout the month is good for having a baby. Every day or two is a good amount, based on research and opinion from the Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

You could aspire to have sex every day of your cycle, but this will lead to exhaustion and is not really necessary for most people. Having sex at least three to four times a week increases your chances of success by increasing sex on the most fertile days. If you're only targeting ovulation and you make a mistake, you can lose that month. Healthier swimmers mean you are more likely to conceive.

Written by Penny Moss
2 years ago

Watch your weight

If you’re overweight, now is a good time to lose those few extra pounds if you’re looking to get pregnant. On the contrary, if you’re underweight, that might be a problem as well.

Watch your weight

The reason being that fat cells affect estrogen production in your body. If you have too few or too many, it can disrupt the hormones involved in ovulation. Being overweight also spikes your risk of insulin resistance, which again can disrupt ovulation. Losing weight can not just help you get pregnant, but also improve your overall health significantly.

Written by Edgar Hicks
4 years ago

Stay Off Alcohol

Alcohol tends to affect your sperm and, in turn, affects your sperm, which reduces the odds of getting your partner pregnant. Staying off alcohol is a good way to ensure that your sperms are healthy and increase your partner's chances of getting pregnant.

Written by Rene Wright
1 year ago

Identify fertile days

Identifying your fertile days is critical when trying to get pregnant, but it can be slightly confusing. Women with a typical 28-day menstruation cycle will ovulate for about 2 weeks before getting their next period, but the problem is – not everybody’s cycle works like clockwork.

Once you figure out your fertile days, it’s time for romance. While you can never have enough sex, having sex more than once during the peak ovulating days won’t offer any additional benefits.

Written by Glen Bridges
8 months ago

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Keeping yourself healthy will increase your chances of getting pregnant because it means you are taking care of yourself. Daily exercise has many benefits. However, it is important not to overdo it. Moderate exercise, like taking walks at a good pace, is the best way to ensure you aren't doing anything too strenuous. Another way to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to quit smoking. This is especially important when you are trying to get pregnant. Smoking can be detrimental to estrogen levels as well as ovulation.

Written by Samantha Mccarthy
3 months ago

Make sure you get the timing right

While having sex at random times during your menstrual cycle can lead to pregnancy, there is a more accurate way of determining the dates you are more likely to get pregnant. Having sex during your ovulation window can greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant. For people with regular cycles, ovulation should occur around 14 days before your period. If you're unsure about the timing, ovulation predicting kits are available at many pharmacies and drugstores.

Written by Jane Pena
2 years ago

During Ovulation

You are more likely to get pregnant if you have sex about a day after ovulation, when your ovaries are releasing an egg. This usually happens about 14 days after the first day of your last period.

An egg lives between 12 and 24 hours after its release. In order for you to get pregnant, a sperm must fertilize the egg within this time. Sperm can live up to 7 days inside your body. To have the best chance of success, you should have sex every 2-3 days during the month. You do not need to schedule it to match the days you ovulate.

Written by Rodney Bennett
3 months ago

Quit cigarettes

Women smokers are more prone to the risk of infertility. Besides, smoking also significantly increases the chances of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and complications while you’re pregnant.

Quit cigarettes

Quitting tobacco is not important for the father too, because smoking deteriorates their sperm quality. Also, second-hand smoke harms women’s health and fertility just as much as smoking herself. 

Written by Carolyn Hicks
4 years ago

Get to Know Your Cycle

The chances of getting pregnant depend on your ability to know your period. Real understanding helps you know when you will be most fertile. Ovulation is the best time to conceive and it is the right time to focus on having a lot of sex.

It helps recognize the signs of ovulation, such as the change in cervical mucus. It usually gets thin and slippery when you are most fertile. Some women may also feel stabbed on one side.

Written by Gerardo Frazier
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Get Pregnant?

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