The first rule when manifesting someone is to stay open to all the options. Our brain can be very limited and obsessive at times especially when we are considering our dating options. If you are thinking your ex who cheated on you and broke up with you on a phone call for someone else is the perfect one for you, because you can’t stop thinking about them at all, you could be wrong. Maybe the one you should be with is out there looking for you. So even if you want to manifest this one person, keep your options open to find someone better than them.
When you are manifesting someone, you might think about the person excessively. Your focus should be on you and your life and what the other person brings to the table. You should be ready to help them and care for them, but the most important one here is you. Work on yourself and lift yourself.
Good things happen in life when you are ready for them. Try to be the best version of yourself. Prepare yourself by emotionally strengthening yourself and expressing your emotions in a healthy way. Learn to stay positive and never settle for anything less than what you deserve.
To manifest the person in your life, you have to visualize them in your life. Manifestation is energy work so visualizing the person around you and doing what you want them to in your thoughts will make it happen in the physical world. Let go of your fears, self-doubt, and emotional baggage, to welcome them into your life.