Best Ways to Network


Job fairs

Google for job fairs and similar professional events scheduled in the coming days in your area. If you’re recently graduated, get in touch with your alma meter’s career center and see if they can give you a list of upcoming job fairs. Attend the maximum number of events possible, dress well, and always have a pile of resumes/business cards – and get your networking game on. 

Job fairs

Written by Rosie Browning
8 months ago

Connect with your inner circle

Your friends and family are always keen on helping, if only they knew you’re looking for opportunities. Most small businesses find their first clients through their inner circle. So let them know you’ve just started up a new venture or are looking for a job in a particular industry, and they might just know someone they can put you in touch with. 

Written by Leonard Garcia
11 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Network?

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