Topics tagged social skills

image for topic 'Say I am sorry'
Best Ways to

Say I am sorry

Last answer by Clyde Hughes 2 weeks ago:
One of the best ways to apologize is by explaining the error. You should acknowledge your mistake and explain your ...
One of the best ways to apologize is by explaining the error. You should acknowledge ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Control anger'
Best Ways to

Control anger

Last answer by Stephanie Collins 1 month ago:
It is easy to blame others when you are angry. Remember to stick with ‘I’ statements. Be respectful and specific. ...
It is easy to blame others when you are angry. Remember to stick with ‘I’ statements. ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Physically release anger'
Best Ways to

Physically release anger

Last answer by Frank Long 2 weeks ago:
If you are enraged because someone said something or did something to you, and you are feeling a plethora of emotions, ...
If you are enraged because someone said something or did something to you, and you ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Flirt in person'
Best Ways to

Flirt in person

Last answer by Debra Bridges 3 weeks ago:
When you first meet someone, you must be respectful of their personal space. Once you start to get to know someone ...
When you first meet someone, you must be respectful of their personal space. Once ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'End a relationship'
Best Ways to

End a relationship

Last answer by Glenn Reynolds 2 weeks ago:
Pick a time and place that allows you and the person you are about to leave some privacy from. Don't break up with ...
Pick a time and place that allows you and the person you are about to leave some ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Quit a job'
Best Ways to

Quit a job

Last answer by Earnest Anderson 2 months ago:
You don't want to be remembered as the person who slacked off during the last two weeks on the job. Keep a strong ...
You don't want to be remembered as the person who slacked off during the last two ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Flirt with your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Flirt with your boyfriend

Last answer by Ana Munoz 2 months ago:
A great way to flirt with your boyfriend is to be a little mysterious. There is a clear difference between being ...
A great way to flirt with your boyfriend is to be a little mysterious. There is a ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Ask a girl out'
Best Ways to

Ask a girl out

Last answer by Milton Walker 1 month ago:
Girls are attracted to well-dressed men because they know how to take care of themselves and make an effort when ...
Girls are attracted to well-dressed men because they know how to take care of themselves ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Ask someone out'
Best Ways to

Ask someone out

Last answer by Willie Fisher 1 month ago:
When you are asking someone out, you won’t know what is going to happen next. Don’t arrange an expensive dinner ...
When you are asking someone out, you won’t know what is going to happen next. Don’t ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt on snap'
Best Ways to

Flirt on snap

Last answer by Harry Cole 3 weeks ago:
The fewer pictures and videos you share with the person, the better. No one wants to see 10 photos of unknown people ...
The fewer pictures and videos you share with the person, the better. No one wants ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Keep a conversation going'
Best Ways to

Keep a conversation going

Last answer by Glenda Peters 4 months ago:
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, or jobs. Take time to note ...
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment a girl over text'
Best Ways to

Compliment a girl over text

Last answer by Audrey Benson 3 weeks ago:
When you barely text this girl, giving her too many compliments at once will make her uncomfortable. Compliments ...
When you barely text this girl, giving her too many compliments at once will make ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment someone'
Best Ways to

Compliment someone

Last answer by Janelle Lopez 5 months ago:
Compliments that are genuine and positive help improve a person’s mental health and are crucial for building long-term ...
Compliments that are genuine and positive help improve a person’s mental health and ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt with a girl in person'
Best Ways to

Flirt with a girl in person

Last answer by Grace Austin 1 month ago:
Women hate compliments that compare them or insult them. A compliment that insults her kind, race, gender, or anything ...
Women hate compliments that compare them or insult them. A compliment that insults ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt online'
Best Ways to

Flirt online

Last answer by Eddy Fuller 2 months ago:
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts every 20 minutes. However, this ...
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hug someone'
Best Ways to

Hug someone

Last answer by Doris Beck 3 months ago:
When someone is feeling sad, stressed, or is crying, ask them if they need a hug. If they are very upset, go near ...
When someone is feeling sad, stressed, or is crying, ask them if they need a hug. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Introduce yourself'
Best Ways to

Introduce yourself

Last answer by Maggie Harvey 2 months ago:
Analyze the situation you are in at the moment and then introduce yourself accordingly. Are you going to introduce ...
Analyze the situation you are in at the moment and then introduce yourself accordingly. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Slide into her dms'
Best Ways to

Slide into her dms

Last answer by Jeremy Colon 3 weeks ago:
If you want to slide into her DMs without looking like a fool, you need a better plan to grab her attention. Look ...
If you want to slide into her DMs without looking like a fool, you need a better ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Ask someone out over text'
Best Ways to

Ask someone out over text

Last answer by Pamela Torres 1 week ago:
The funny and interesting guys and girls always perform better. To get your crush's attention, start the conversation ...
The funny and interesting guys and girls always perform better. To get your crush's ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Compliment your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Compliment your girlfriend

Last answer by Ignacio Wells 6 months ago:
Sincere compliments are more impactful than an exaggerated compliment. For example, don’t say, “You’re the prettiest ...
Sincere compliments are more impactful than an exaggerated compliment. For example, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Answer interview questions'
Best Ways to

Answer interview questions

Last answer by Megan Harrell 3 months ago:
How many times have we felt, I could have answered this question better or I might have come up with something ...
How many times have we felt, I could have answered this question better or I might ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Make a first impression'
Best Ways to

Make a first impression

Last answer by Glenn Reynolds 1 week ago:
A smile is an age-old, proven method of making a good first impression. A confident and warm smile can put the ...
A smile is an age-old, proven method of making a good first impression. A confident ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'End a conversation'
Best Ways to

End a conversation

Last answer by Glenda Reese 4 weeks ago:
Cook up something and tell the other person, “Oh, before I go, I just wanted to tell you…” and then wait for the ...
Cook up something and tell the other person, “Oh, before I go, I just wanted to tell ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Introduce yourself in an interview'
Best Ways to

Introduce yourself in an interview

Last answer by Ernesto Soto 4 months ago:
Interviewers often start with an open-ended question, something like “tell me about yourself.” The question, although ...
Interviewers often start with an open-ended question, something like “tell me about ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Start a conversation'
Best Ways to

Start a conversation

Last answer by Bernard Nash 4 months ago:
Although there are hundreds of ways to start a conversation, giving someone a compliment about what they are doing, ...
Although there are hundreds of ways to start a conversation, giving someone a compliment ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Break up with someone'
Best Ways to

Break up with someone

Last answer by Bryant Knight 2 months ago:
If you were in a relationship with someone, chances are that you once had strong feelings for them. Being respectful ...
If you were in a relationship with someone, chances are that you once had strong ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Handle a disgruntled customer'
Best Ways to

Handle a disgruntled customer

Last answer by Gloria Watkins 2 weeks ago:
Don’t let your customer’s words provoke you. You might feel angry and feel like you want to yell back, but avoid ...
Don’t let your customer’s words provoke you. You might feel angry and feel like you ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Compliment a guy'
Best Ways to

Compliment a guy

Last answer by Constance White 1 month ago:
Many men have a habit of solving problems, supporting, and helping their female counterparts or friends. Next time ...
Many men have a habit of solving problems, supporting, and helping their female counterpar ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Negotiate salary'
Best Ways to

Negotiate salary

Last answer by Rene Wright 2 months ago:
Preparation is key. It may sound a bit much, but it works pretty well. Ask a friend to interview you with a set ...
Preparation is key. It may sound a bit much, but it works pretty well. Ask a friend ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Greet a girl'
Best Ways to

Greet a girl

Last answer by Loren Mcbride 5 months ago:
Girls always love being complimented, especially when it's by men that they're comfortable around. Compliment her ...
Girls always love being complimented, especially when it's by men that they're comfortable ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Respond to how are you'
Best Ways to

Respond to how are you

Last answer by Vicky Zamora 11 months ago:
Asking someone you meet “How are you?” is etiquette but they also expect a good response from the other person. ...
Asking someone you meet “How are you?” is etiquette but they also expect a good response ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Network'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Rosie Browning 8 months ago:
Google for job fairs and similar professional events scheduled in the coming days in your area. If you’re recently ...
Google for job fairs and similar professional events scheduled in the coming days ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Greet your crush'
Best Ways to

Greet your crush

Last answer by Irvin Jackson 8 months ago:
The easiest way to get a girl to be comfortable with you is through compliments. Girls treasure compliments and ...
The easiest way to get a girl to be comfortable with you is through compliments. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Pick up the phone'
Best Ways to

Pick up the phone

Last answer by Johnny Paul 2 months ago:
No matter who calls, these strategies will help ensure a courteous and professional impression when you pick up ...
No matter who calls, these strategies will help ensure a courteous and professional ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Flirt over text'
Best Ways to

Flirt over text

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