Best Ways to Not fall asleep in class


Drink a caffeinated beverage

Drinking a cup or two of coffee might be the simplest way to improve alertness in the classroom. It does not only jolt your senses but also helps you to avoid falling asleep. People often ask me, how much caffeine do you need to stay awake in the middle of a lecture? Well, it depends and varies from person to person. However, it is based on your sensitivity to the caffeinated drink.

Only 400 milligrams of caffeine per day (4 cups of coffee) is enough to keep a person awake during school hours.

Written by Mario Anderson
2 weeks ago

Participate in the class

Whether it is taking notes or answering a teacher’s question, engaging and participating actively in the classroom discussion can help you avoid falling asleep in the classroom. However, you have to concentrate on the lecture and occupy your brain a little bit.

I usually take notes when I feel sleepy. Sometimes, I go with writing comments and sometimes questions. Often, we don’t understand a certain fact or a theory in the lecture. So, be the student who is aware of what’s happening and raise a hand to ask questions from the teacher.Participate in the class

Written by Lori Morgan
1 year ago

Get up and move within the classroom

Yes, this might not be appropriate in the middle of a lecture but doing an activity such as walking, jogging, stretching, and running before the lecture won’t harm your fellow members. Whatever activity you engage in, just make sure to pump up your blood. It does not only increase your energy levels but gives you a jolt of energy as well.

So, if you are in the middle of a lecture, no need to do it in the classroom. Ask for a time out, go out, and move your body. Even if you have no formal breaks, ask to use the bathroom and then exercise on the way back.

Written by Cornelia Reed
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Not Fall Asleep In Class?

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