Best Ways to Physically release anger



When you’re furious, you often feel the urge to smash something hard. While hitting a person could put you behind bars, there’s a very healthy alternative where you can pour out your powerful energy – the pillow. Punch the pillow hard as if it were the person or thing that you’re mad at. Shout and curse the pillow if it helps.

Cursing is actually a good way to get to the root of your anger. While you thrash the pillow, feel and accept the reality that has caused you to feel so furious. When you’re done, you’ll feel a sense of relief.

Written by Jackson Ramirez
5 months ago

Find a Stress Relieving Object

If you have something near you that might help you calm yourself, use it. Grab a pillow and hit it. If you can find a stress ball, squeeze it. Use something that does not hurt you. 

If you can’t find anything to help you healthily release anger, go to the gym and take it all out on the barbells and dumbbells or kick and punch a punching bag.

Find a Stress Relieving Object

Written by Alberta Fox
2 years ago

Write in your journal

Writing out your thoughts can unclog the information overload in your head. When you’ve poured your feelings onto a piece of paper, there still may be some residual feelings. Consider these as the lessons you need to learn from that particular event or situation.

Write in your journal

When you feel composed again, you might want to read through your rant. This is an excellent way to grow and keep the lessons learnt fresh in your memory. Alternatively, some people like to rip the piece of paper to unload their frustration, which is okay too.

Written by Jackson Ramirez
7 months ago

Get Out of the Scene

If you are enraged because someone said something or did something to you, and you are feeling a plethora of emotions, simply take an exit. Getting out of the scene can save you from embarrassment if you tend to get violent or abusive in such situations. 

Take a deep breath and no matter how strongly you desire to defend yourself when you feel you might hurt someone-leave.

Written by Frank Long
7 months ago

Get some sweat on

Exercising is a great way to vent your anger and melt the tension. It empties the pent-up energy and keeps you in shape!

A frustrating day at your office, could easily become your most productive day at the gym. But you don’t need a gym membership to vent your anger. Boxing, running, and jogging are also very effective ways to rid yourself of frustration through exercise.

Written by Bernardo Moore
2 years ago

Get Your Body Moving

When you are angry, you might feel an impulse to move your body. When we get angry, adrenaline and cortisol start rushing inside us and the left hemisphere of the brain is more active which results in rage.

Get Your Body Moving

To physically release the rage and stress, you should do what you can to move your body. Stop yourself from doing anything that you will regret later. Go for healthier options such as a walk, running, dancing, or boxing. 

Whack a tennis ball, do high jumps, or anything that can help you release the stress and anger. Breaking a sweat can help you get rid of the feeling of aggression that had been building up in your body.

Written by Gail Black
5 months ago

Sharing with a Confidant

Talking about your feelings with a trusted confidant can be beneficial. The experience of speaking is extremely helpful in lowering the intensity. When we say things out loud, we often answer our own questions, but this experience of connection and relationship generally relaxes us.

Talking about things can help resolve frustration with our primary relationships, such as family and close friends. Often talking to a good friend that you trust 'will keep you in the vault' can be helpful. You can vent to a therapist. 

Written by Brandy Swanson
1 month ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Physically Release Anger?

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