Best Ways to Peel an orange


Cutting it like an apple

As I have long nails, I can’t peel them off the traditional way. So, I take an orange and remove its bottom and top by using a knife, just like we cut the ends of an apple. I usually go for thin circular shapes to avoid wasting the fruit.

After that, it cut the orange from the middle to open it up. You would get two semi-circular shaped orange cut in halves. Now, remove the outer covering from two halves. Voila, you are done!Cutting it like an apple

Written by Marjorie Roberson
2 months ago

Remove the outer covering through a spoon

Take an orange and cut it from the middle all around. The cut you make should not be deep and must be circular in length. Ensure that the cut did not cut the flesh. It should only affect the outer covering as that’s the main technique to peel the orange.

Insert a blunt knife. I usually insert a spoon between the outer covering and the flesh to remove. Dig in and get the flesh out properly, from top to bottom.

Written by Beth Gibson
11 months ago

Peel orange without the knife

I don’t like to experiment with knives so I use a different way than others. I immerse the unpeeled orange in warm water and keep it there for about 5 to 10 minutes. I take it out one minute before peeling. The rind then becomes soft and you can grind it off easily from the flesh. I use my hands to peel the skin off.

If you do not feel like playing with knives or are scared to hurt yourself, it’s best to use this old Chinese technique. It works just fine for me and my family.

Written by Moises Hammond
2 weeks ago

Use warm water

If you are not sure about using a knife, then no need to worry. There is always an easier way and in case of orange peeling that easy way is warm water. First, take the oranges and put them in warm water. Submerge them so the whole body comes in contact with warm water. After some time, take them out of the water and let them rest for a minute before peeling. The orange body will easily glide off because of the rind. After a minute, you will be able to easily peel off the orange just with your hands.

Written by Eugene Shaw
10 months ago

Use a spoon handle

Using a spoon handle, you can peel an orange in the least messy way. Before that you need to puncture the outer layer of the orange. The best place to start is the center. Use a knife, try not to puncture the inside citrus segments. After puncturing, gently insert a spoon handle slowly and work your way around the orange to peel off the half. Now work your way on the other half and you will have a nicely peeled orange.

Written by Vicky Zamora
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Peel an Orange?

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