Best Ways to Produce dopamine


Listen to Music

Dopamine is the pleasure chemical in our brain which is released when we are happy. Good music can easily put you in a good mood. Listening to music makes you more energetic, and stimulates the brain to release dopamine. So, play a few of your favorite songs that can cheer you up and sing along for a dopamine rush. Dance to the beat, to double the fun!

Listen to Music

Written by Loren Mcbride
1 year ago

Get a healthy dose of Tyrosine

The body needs tyrosine for making dopamine. Increasing your tyrosine intake will help your body produce dopamine more easily. Almonds, avocados, bananas, beans, etc. are foods rich in tyrosine. Incorporate a small portion of these foods in your diet to naturally boost your dopamine levels.

Written by Enrique Erickson
2 years ago


Meditation literally has countless benefits that have been conclusively proven by studies across the globe. Not surprisingly, meditation is also helpful in boosting a person’s dopamine levels which facilitates enhanced concentration and focus. 

Written by Alex Bush
6 months ago

Get some sunlight

Exposure to sunlight helps increase the levels of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, including dopamine. However, be sure to not overdo it because too much exposure can actually be harmful for your skin. Ideally, avoid sunlight exposure when UV radiation is at its peak (i.e. between 10am to 2pm). 

Get some sunlight

Written by Jonathon Johnson
4 months ago


Physical activity can raise endorphin levels in our body. Researches have proven that even 20 minutes of vigorous exercise can improve our mood and produce more dopamine. Any exercise such as walking on a treadmill or in a park, jumping a rope, or yoga can be effective. Regularly doing HIIT is the most effective in increasing dopamine in the body according to the latest studies. 

Written by Sean Lawrence
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Produce Dopamine?

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