The body needs tyrosine for making dopamine. Increasing your tyrosine intake will help your body produce dopamine more easily. Almonds, avocados, bananas, beans, etc. are foods rich in tyrosine. Incorporate a small portion of these foods in your diet to naturally boost your dopamine levels.
To up your collagen intake, bone broth is the best source of collagen after collagen supplements. Slow cook bones of your favorite meat such as beef, or lamb. Broth of cow trotters has more gelatin which is the natural form of collagen.
Squats are an excellent way to tone your thighs, hips, and calves fairly quickly. While they’re a little more challenging, adding this lower-body workout can reap plenty of benefits in the long term. Squats also help strengthen your knees, potentially shielding you from future falls, without causing any additional wear-and-tear on other joints.
Cats are more playful when they are hungry. Hide the food in a place that your cat frequently goes to and keep changing the place where you keep the cat’s food. This keeps the cat interested in finding food. Your cat does not need a lot of food, so make sure that you feed them small portions frequently or whenever the cat seems hungry.
If this is stressing out your cat, don’t move the food around. Stressed cats stop eating food and limit physical activity. If you notice any of these signs, stop hiding the food and place the cat’s food in a separate place where the cat can sit and eat comfortably.
If you have a small room like me, creating an illusion of space is literally the only thing you can do while designing it. When I was designing the room, I hung my draperies close to the ceilings. It will not only create an illusion that your walls are huge but will always keep a visitor’s eyes up.
While we are at it, pick the curtains to match the color of the walls. It is better to go for a modernistic look instead of a vintage look as you won’t be distracted by contrasting colors.