Some of my favorite songs and albums of all time have come from recommendations from friends and family. That’s one of the greatest joys of music: being able to share it with other people and seeing how they react to it. It’s also one of the reasons why my music taste is so eclectic and scattered. I have a love of rock music fostered by my best friend, multiple Paramore albums that date back to my middle school years, and R&B and Rap music that I’m just starting to get into.
The best time to sneak out of the house is when everyone is asleep because if they don’t find out, you won’t be scolded or questioned at all. Keep your shoes ready and hide them on the lawn or anywhere outside your house so you can tiptoe out of the house without wearing shoes. Say goodnight to everyone and go to sleep early. It is important to let everyone know that you went to sleep and lock your room so they think you locked it from the inside. Get out of the house when there is no one in the hallway or when everybody has gone to bed. Make sure you lock the front door when you leave the house because the security of your family is extremely important. Wear your shoes and go. Don’t lose your keys and return home when everyone’s fast asleep.
Squats are one of the easiest exercises that you can do anywhere anytime. They help strengthen your core and the lower body. Squats also raise your heart rate which means they help you shed weight. Perform at least 3 sets of 15 reps each to begin toning your legs and butt.
If you have not been paying much attention to your hair and always carry them in a messy bun or in a ponytail, get more creative. Learn a quick and easy hair-do to make it look different and noticeable. You don’t need an amazing hairstyle; you just need something that is different than you normally look. Try braiding your hair or curling them. A French braid or Dutch braid can keep your hair manageable and frizz-free if there is a busy day ahead. The braids are perfect for working out, hiking, and running. Even parting your hair from a different angle can make a huge difference.
Mousetraps are the classic way to kill rats around your residence. Ever since the old Tom and Jerry, mouse traps are widely used all over the world. However, it is worth noting that the mice may not die instantly from the traps. They might just seriously wound the rat instead of killing them, which can be a pretty messy cleanup job depending on the number of rats around your place. If you use sticky traps, they're a prolonged and inhumane way to kill the rats.
Puerto Rico has been going through a crisis after a hurricane Maria hit the island in 2017. These caused devastation in the island and they have not been able to stand on their own ever since. At present, the people are trying to rebuild the territory but they require our assistance. Any amount of donation can help them be self reliant again. Many organizations are receiving donations for them. Please donate and help them!