Topics tagged music

image for topic 'Compose music'
Best Ways to

Compose music

Last answer by Karen Williamson 2 months ago:
Composing music takes a lot of time when you are a beginner and when you are working on the same piece for a long ...
Composing music takes a lot of time when you are a beginner and when you are working ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Discover new music'
Best Ways to

Discover new music

Last answer by Elaine Chambers 1 month ago:
Some of my favorite songs and albums of all time have come from recommendations from friends and family. That’s ...
Some of my favorite songs and albums of all time have come from recommendations from ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Write a song'
Best Ways to

Write a song

Last answer by Cornelius Burke 1 month ago:
Sometimes you're going to have 15 minutes of pure genius and write a song that you love. And sometimes it's not ...
Sometimes you're going to have 15 minutes of pure genius and write a song that you ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Download music'
Best Ways to

Download music

Last answer by Brian Dyer 1 week ago:
There are websites that convert YouTube videos to an MP3 file so you can download it as an audio file onto your ...
There are websites that convert YouTube videos to an MP3 file so you can download ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Promote music'
Best Ways to

Promote music

Last answer by Jonathon Johnson 9 months ago:
It's pretty much certain that if you want to market anything in 2021, social media is a good of a platform as any. ...
It's pretty much certain that if you want to market anything in 2021, social media ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Become a super famous rockstar'
Best Ways to

Become a super famous rockstar

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