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Mindy Mcdonald

Try press-up exercise

Position your body on the floor with all the weight supported on your hands and toes. Place your hands beneath the shoulders and keep your body in a straight position. Try to keep your core locked while you are in the position. This way, a straight line will form between your heels, glutes, and head.

Lower your body in the exact position until your chest is 1 inch away from the surface. Get back to the starting position explosively by extending your arms.

Deep fold

Deep folded towel style is ideal for a narrow closet or shelf. For deep fold, follow the next steps:

-       Lay the towel on a flat surface and smooth the length of the towel with your hand.

-       On the short edge, fold one edge of the towel to the halfway mark.

-       Repeat the step on the other side.

-       The two long edges should meet in the middle.

-       Fold the towel in half such that its layers sit on top of each other.

-       Fold the ends of the towel towards the center with a little gap in the center to avoid any bulge.

-       Display the towel with the folded edge facing outward.

Deep fold

Explore your spiritual core

By exploring the spiritual core, you ask yourself questions about the person you are and your meaning. Ask questions like:

Who am I?

What is my purpose?

What do I value most?

These questions will lead you down a road where you will know yourself better and it allows you to notice things about yourself that will help you achieve fulfilment.

Explore your spiritual core

Use a Wood Cleaner

Wood cleaners are specially made for cleaning the wood furniture to increase their life and make them look good as new. Most wooden cleaners come in spray bottles which makes cleaning easier. Clean the dust with a micro-fiber cloth from your wooden furniture. Spray the wooden cleaner generously on the surface of the furniture avoiding fabrics and foams. Then use a different and clean cloth to rub it all over and wipe off the excess.

More Vegetables in Your Diet

More vegetables in your diet mean more healthy and nutritious vegetables that are packed with fiber. Fiber-rich foods keep you full for longer so you don’t snack on unhealthy foods. The fiber-rich foods are good for your gut and are often low-calorie foods that help you lose weight.

Read their bio

This will show them you’re not just some creep that crawled into their inbox after taking a look at their display photo. Read their bio and see what they like and learn a little bit about them.

Often, the bio will give you at least one thing that can get the ball rolling. For example, if her bio says she loves to read books, and you also like reading books (I’m assuming as an example), then this is the perfect way to strike a conversation. Discuss what books they’ve read recently, and the conversation will flow nicely.

Read their bio

Mindy Mcdonald writes on topics tagged


body transformation




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