Best Ways to Clean rabbit hutch


Wash the Bowls

Cleaning the rabbit’s bowl is necessary for the rabbit’s health and cleanliness. The bowl gets dirty when the food is added 3-4 times a day, especially if you like to give your rabbit foods that have a lot of water such as watermelons and spinach. These foods turn bad quickly and release chemicals that are harmful so matter how lazy you are, your rabbit deserves to eat in a clean bowl every day just like you.

Written by Ignacio Wells
7 months ago

Deep Cleaning

When you clean the rabbit’s territory you may feel a strong urge to throw away the hay or bedding but keeping some hay will help the rabbit recognize its territory. Often, the rabbits, squirrels, and some other animals throw away their babies when the humans clean them and take the smell off of them. Not being able to recognize the place and family can make the rabbits uncomfortable so make sure that you keep some hay, bedding, or newspaper that they’ve peed on in the cage.

Use vinegar to clean the cage because it disinfects the surfaces and is also safe for rabbits. Get rid of the food bits and voila, you have a clean rabbit hutch. Place new hay or newspaper in the rabbit’s cage and spread a handful of dirty hay or newspaper on top so that the rabbit can identify its own smell in the hutch and live happily.

Deep Cleaning

Written by Dewey Ramos
4 years ago

Wash the Fabric Bedding

If you have put fabric bedding in the rabbit’s cage, you need to wash it every week. Throw away the old bedding or wash, dry, and put it back. The rabbit may pee on the bedding or spill water on it and it can lead to a reeking hutch that nobody likes. Once a week let your rabbit play outside on the lawn and wash the hutch with a hose pipe. Dry the wooden hutch in the sun and replace the bedding. 

Written by Betsy Davidson
2 months ago

Take Out Uneaten Food Daily

Rabbits are spoiled pets and they like to waste a lot of food. Check and remove what’s lying uneaten from your rabbit’s cage daily. Bad smell from rotten food will not spread inside the hutch and this will keep the rabbit hutch clean when done regularly.

Written by Martha Brennan
3 years ago

Keep the Water in a safe Bowl

Rabbits like to hop and move in the cage and this makes it impossible to not spill the water. Keep a small water bowl inside their cage and fill half of it. Refill when it’s empty. Don’t fill right after they spill it because they might start doing it, again and again, to get more water and create a horrible mess. Rabbits consume a lot of water so make sure that you refill it from time to time so they don’t have to stay thirsty either. 

Written by Orville Hendricks
8 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Clean Rabbit Hutch?

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