Best Ways to Reheat pizza hut breadsticks


Stay away from microwaves

If you want to eat good, warm, tasty, and crispy breadsticks, then the microwave is not your friend. The microwave makes your pizza soggy and softens the crust. So, this should not be an option.

Written by Mario Anderson
7 months ago

Use an air fryer

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: nothing beats an air fryer when it comes to reheating food. Breadsticks can be so hard to reheat without making them taste like warm cardboard. They get so stiff and it can be hard to eat them after they’ve gone cold. However, putting them in your air fryer keeps them from turning into a hard, inedible texture. Put the breadsticks in your air fryer for a few minutes at 350 degrees.

Written by Michelle Moran
5 months ago

Use oven

If you want perfectly reheated Pizza Hut Breadsticks, then the best option is to use the oven. Follow these steps to enjoy your yummy Pizza Breadsticks.

1.     Preheat your oven to 350F.

2.     Place breadsticks on a baking dish or a cookie baking sheet.

3.     Place breadsticks in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes.

4.     If you have Canola oil, you can spray the breadsticks with it to get a crispier exterior.

5.     Take them out of the oven and enjoy!

Use oven

Written by Jana Klein
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Reheat Pizza Hut Breadsticks?

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