Best Ways to Smell good


Tweak your diet

Your diet influences how you smell. Consuming onion and garlic may be good from the nutrition perspective, but consuming too much can leave you with an unpleasant body odor. The smell will also last for quite some time depending on how much of it you’ve been putting in your system.

Tweak your diet

In fact, it might also interfere with how perfumes work with your body, so tweaking your diet is essential. Vegetables and fruits that are rich in protein are excellent foods way to keep your body smelling fresh. 

Written by Kim Jensen
5 months ago

Preserve the fragrance of colognes and perfumes

Proper application of scent is key to preserving the fragrance for longer.

- Spritz some of your favorite perfume onto your hairbrush right before you brush your dry hair.

- Spray the cologne on your pulse points. Doing so enables the scent to mix with your body chemistry. But be sure not to rub the cologne into your skin.

- Roll-on perfumes are an excellent choice because you can use it exactly where you want, and it also eliminates the issue of over-spraying.

P.S.: Pulse points include the back of your knees, your wrists, the small of your back, the back of your neck, and the crooks of the elbows.

Written by Denise Marshall
4 months ago

Clean Dirty Hair

When washing your hair, it is vital to clean the scalp too. Oil and dirt on the scalp can be a reason for bad smell. Start with the scalp every time you shampoo and work your way to the ends. Don’t apply all your shampoo at one spot, distribute it all over the scalp, and work with smaller hair sections.

Massage the shampoo gently with your fingers and create lather. The lather helps capture oils and dead skin cells from the scalp. The shampoo should form enough lather to cover the scalp and hair, if the lather is not enough, use more shampoo.

Written by Laurel Wade
2 years ago

Reach the Right Spots When You Shower

There are many parts of your body that may accumulate sweat and dirt which create a stench. When you shower or do a sponge bath, clean the areas that have more sweat glands such as the armpits, groin, and hips. Some body-parts that are often neglected are the back of the neck, behind the ears, belly button, and sides of the face.

To smell good, it is advisable to shower every day or every other day. Wear a nice cologne or perfume and apply an underarm deodorant if your underarms are likely to get sweaty during the day. Wear clean and fresh clothes after every shower and practice good hygiene.

Reach the Right Spots When You Shower

Written by Jose Griffith
1 year ago

Avoid Foods That Can Cause Bad Breath

Some foods like garlic, onions, broccoli, or fish can give you very bad breath. If you are heading to work, a party, or any other important event, don’t eat foods that cause odor. Keep cool mints with you and chew a few when you feel your breath smells bad.

Written by Gail Black
2 months ago

Do Proper Laundry

To smell good all day, you need to wear clean clothes every morning. Do your laundry every week and sundry your clothes. The clothes may smell bad if they take too long to dry.

Use a fabric softener or conditioner with a lavender scent to kill the harsh smells or hand lavender sheets in your closet to enrich the scent in clothing. Never wear your undergarments for two days in a row. Change undergarments every 24 hours and never wear dirty undergarments after a squeaky bath. Buy enough undergarments to last you a week, if you do your laundry once a week.

Do Proper Laundry

Written by Bernard Nash
3 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Smell Good?

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