Topics tagged windows

image for topic 'Winterize windows'
Best Ways to

Winterize windows

Last answer by Sherri Gonzales 6 months ago:
Thick plastic sheets on windows can stop the air from coming into the house. Some people also use bubble wraps ...
Thick plastic sheets on windows can stop the air from coming into the house. Some ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Free up space on pc'
Best Ways to

Free up space on pc

Last answer by Linda Mckinney 1 month ago:
CCleaner is a free-to-use desktop application that's extremely useful for cleaning up space on your PC. It also ...
CCleaner is a free-to-use desktop application that's extremely useful for cleaning ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Speed up windows 10'
Best Ways to

Speed up windows 10

Last answer by Nicholas Adams 6 months ago:
A lot of times, your OS is going to slow down simply because it has to load up a lot of programs at the startup. ...
A lot of times, your OS is going to slow down simply because it has to load up a ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Cover windows'
Best Ways to

Cover windows

Last answer by George Cervantes 8 months ago:
Newspaper is the go-to piece of paper article that people like to put up on their windows but it gives off a really ...
Newspaper is the go-to piece of paper article that people like to put up on their ...
Answers: 1

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