Pests like ants, earwigs, and mosquitoes love hanging out in dirty gutters. It’s the perfect place to obtain food and water, and breed.
If you want to cut these pests off from their food and water supply, clean up your gutter. That should keep bugs away at night.
Ceiling fans are excellent for warding off pests like mosquitoes and flies, both of which hate being blown away by the strong wind.
Although, this works on during the summer months. During winter, you might need other alternatives unless you want to freeze yourself.
These candles are a time-tested, natural method to keep bugs away – especially during the night. They are also an excellent addition to your living room or bedroom décor.
Citronella candles create a warm and inviting ambiance for the guests, but not so much for the pests. They'll keep the pesky bugs away so you can have a good night's sleep.