Best Ways to Become a billionaire


Be Obssessed

You cannot possibly ever think about becoming a billionaire without being obsessed with the work you're going to do. Starting a business, pursuing an idea, or working towards a certain goal that can make you a billionaire can take up years of constant effort before it starts generating a profit, let alone a great one. Set your sights on success and work towards it day and night until you succeed. If it was easy, the whole world would be full of billionaires.

Written by Tracie Davis
1 year ago

Come Up With an Idea

Almost every billionaire in the world has one thing in common. They came up with a brilliant and unique idea that no one had ever thought of before. A good example would be a young man in Paris who couldn't find a cab. He would later go on to come up with the idea of UberCab, a mobile app that connects riders with cab drivers. Take a look at the world around you. Is there something that the world should have, but it doesn't? If you can come up with an idea and have the resources to pursue its formation, go ahead and do it. If done correctly, you could come into a lot of money with the proper planning and effort.

Written by Elisa Hunt
9 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Become a Billionaire?

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