Best Ways to Change your diet


Don’t go grocery shopping without a list

Take care of two things before going grocery shopping: Never go to the grocery store hungry and make sure to prepare a list beforehand. Not knowing what to buy makes room for impulse grocery shopping. On the other hand, going with an empty tummy can increase your impulses and you might shop more than expected.

Make sure you do not put your guard down to your impulses. Plan the grocery list ahead. By doing this, not only would you be shopping for healthier items but you will also save money in the process. 

Written by Edna Barry
2 months ago

Slow down while eating

The pace at which you have your food influences what you eat and your weight. According to ample research, fast eaters have a 115% more chance of getting obese or gaining weight as compared to slow eaters. How full your tummy gets, how much you eat, and your appetite, all are controlled by your hormones. So, whenever you feel hungry or full, your brain sends a signal.

But your brain takes about 20 to 25 minutes to receive the ‘I am full’ message. So, eating slowly will give your brain the time to interpret that you are full now. Slow down while eating

Written by Fredrick Guerra
4 months ago

Try one healthy recipe every week

Deciding what to prepare for dinner, lunch or breakfast can be really frustrating and overwhelming, especially if you have children. This is why many people use the same recipes over and over again and do not get out of their cooking bubble. This way, you will end up eating the same food for as long as you are alive.

Whether for dinner or lunch, try at least one healthy recipe per week. This will improve your nutrient intake and will change your diet a bit. Try one healthy recipe every week

Written by Eugene Powell
2 days ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Change Your Diet?

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